Research shows that singing bowls massage has a similar effects and applications as music therapy.
In healthy people, sound massage promotes inner harmony, enhances strength and energy to cope with everyday tasks and stimulates creativity. For those, suffering from an illnesses (whether it is physical, emotional or mental) sound therapy can support conventional treatment through its calming and pain-relief effects. Sound massage applies to all areas, where deep relaxation might stimulate natural self-regulatory mechanisms, for instance, different types of stress disorders, neck and back aches and strains, joint pains, headaches, abdominal cramps, metabolism disorders, insomnia, concentration problems, expressive suppression, etc.
Sound healing with singing bowls is also used in:
The sounds produced by singing bowls trigger emotional experiences, strengthen the body, stimulate problem-solving skills, have a positive impact on healthy cells and eliminate pathological ones, particularly as the frequency of sound gets gradually higher. Singing bowls are used for non-verbal communication in patients suffering from disabilities or serious medical conditions and injuries, such as strokes. Our systems instinctively choose stimulating components from the complex sounds generated by the singing bowls, making the therapy non-intrusive, natural and lacking in side-effects. Sound healing has also other advantages and often eliminates ailments the patients were previously unaware of.